Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hey Hey Hey ! Thing 6

Really been bouncing around trying to find out what I'm supposed to find!!! My last post about the Flickr Color Picker should have been included here rather than "there" but I had a great time with Montager once it performed. Also explored in mashups. You were supposed to search i.e. clubs in a particular location, but when I did it I think I missed one of the finer points. My results for a search of resorts in NH gave me resorts in WVA, and my search for those in WVA showed me places in MN!!!!! Onward. . .these last couple exercises have been very enlightening and I hesitate to say . . . . enjoyable!

Flickr exploration Thing 5

At this time I have no real interest in Flickr, either posting pictures or sharing any with anybody.
Those people who spend a lot of time on the Internet may find it more worthwhile. It's rather mind boggling and too time consuming for me. I really liked liked Flickr Color Picker by JBum. . .very clever and enjoyable.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Comment on technology 10/24 - Thing 7

After previewing Flickr, I hesitate to get into this very moment but will down the road. Currently I am comfortable with a digital camera, ipods, love the flat screen TV's, but I'm timid about exploring computer features.

Things are looking up 10/24/07

Yesterday was miserable trying to log in to my blog whose password was invalid after being reset-go figure. But today, lo and behold the same password worked and we're in business!!!

I may reconsider and be interested in doing this. The jury is currently out as to whether this is enjoyable!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

True Confessions

I was never good at creative writing although I consider myself creative. Choosing a topic creating ideas or setting a "goal" has always been the hardest beginning of all my projects. Once that is established, more often than not things flow.